April 14th, 2014, which marks the day of the Sikh harvest festival, Vaisakhi, a group of passionate bikers, businessmen by profession, originally from the land of Punjab came together to form the Singhs Motorcycle Club. Started in the UAE and now we have our presence in India and Australia.
Over the tenure of the past seven years, the club has contributed and has been a part of numerous events to support our local communities.
S. Gurnam Singh and S. Tanuj Singh
Founding Father and Co-founder
timeline for Singhs in Australia
The legacy comes to Australia
Idea was conceived
The Club was formed by S. Mavleen Singh Dhir in Australia on the 13/04/2021 and the idea was
conceived by him and S. Gurnam Singh (Head of Singhs MC UAE) in the year 2019.
Club formation
Club Formation – 13/04/2021
Club launch
Club Launch – 13/06/2021
Going strong
With 24 members on board and still growing in numbers.